12th International Seminar
„Track Maintenance Machines in Theory and Practice - SETRAS 2004“
Scientific and Technical Society at the University of Zilina
in co-operation with other organisations organised 12 th International Seminar „Track
Maintenance Machnies in Theory and Practice - SETRAS
2004“ which was held in GAMA Club at the University Campu
on Octobber 13
and 14, 2004.
The Seminar
opened prof. Ing. Marián Dzimko, PhD., vice rector
Seminar was aimed on the track maintenace machines
and mechanizms, technologies of railways track
construction and maintenace, track
measurement devices and cars etc.
This year the preferred topics of the Seminar were machinery for
modernised railway track, rail/road vehicles, equipment for diagnostics of
railway track (track recording cars, rail profile measuring equipment,
measuring of rail support stiffness etc.), welding of the rails and measuring
and guiding systems for track maintenance machines.
Some lectures
were related to relationship between track and dynamics of rail vehicles and
problems of contact weel/rail.
The Seminar enabled exchange of
experiences, served as the source of new information and supported establishing
new contacts between specialists.
In the programme of the Seminar were
included 29 lectures specialists from
More than 210 participants from
All 29 papers were published in the
Proceedings of the Seminar on 226 pages.
Next Seminar „SETRAS 2005“ will be
held at the September 2005 as a part of the Week of Railway Activities “RAILINFORM